Amigurumi Dog Crochet Free Pattern

Yarn: Sirdar Snowflake 100% polyester (cream (cream) – 3 skeins 25 grams each,
brown (beige) – 1 skeins 25 grams) or any other plush fancy yarn Knitting needles
: 3 mm
Knitting density: 21 loops x 35 rows = 10×10 cm stocking viscous.
Size of the finished toy: 41 cm
Recruit 20 loops of cream colored yarn.
1 row – facial
2 row – purl
3 row – knit two facial loops from each = 40 loops
4 row – purl
5 row – facial
6 row – purl
7 row – (2 facial from one, 1 facial) x 20 times = 60
8 row loops – purl
9 row – facial
10 row – purl
11 row – (2 front from one loop, 2 front) x 20 times = 80 loops
Starting from the back row, we will knit a stocking knit until you knit 12 cm (approximately 35 rows)
47 row – (6 front, 2 together front) x 10 times = 70 loops
Starting from the back row, we knit 15 rows of stockings. Knitting size – 16 cm.
63 row – (5 front, 2 together front) x 10 times = 60 loops
Starting from the back row, we knit 5 rows of hosiery knitting.
69 row – (4 front, 2 together front) x 10 times = 50 loops
Starting from the back row we knit 5 rows of stocking knitting
75 row – (3 front, 2 together front) x 10 times = 40 loops
76 row – back
77 row front
78 row – purl
79 row – (2 front, 2 front together) = 30 loops
Starting from the reverse side, we knit 5 rows of socks
85 with a row of 6 front faces, (2 together the front one) x 2 times, 10 front ones, (2 together facial) x 2 times, 6 facial = 26 loops.
Close all loops.
Head We
collect 10 loops of cream colored yarn.
1 row – facial
2 row – purl
3 row – knit 2 facial loops from each = 20 loops.
4 row – purl
5 row – front
6 row – purl
7 row – (2 front of one loop, 1 front) x 10 times = 30 loops.
8 row – purl
9 row – face
10 row – purl
11 row – (2 faces from one loop, 2 faces) x 10 times = 40 loops
12 row – back
13 rows – faces
14 row – backs
15 row – (2 faces from one loop, 3 facial) x 10 times = 50 loops
16 row – purl
17 row – facial
18 row – purl
19 row – (2 facial from one loop, 4 facial) x 10 times = 60 loops
Starting from the purse row, knit 13 rows of stockings.
35 row – (2 together front, 4 front) x 10 times = 50 loops.
36 row – purl. Mark this row with a marker or colored thread. This is important when assembling a product.
37 row – (2 together front, 1 front) x 10 times = 30 loops
38 row – purl.
39 row – (2 face, 2 face of one loop) x 10 times = 40 loops.
40 row – purl
41 row – face
42 row – purl
43 row – (3 front, 2 face from one loop) x 10 times = 50 loops
44 row – back
45 row – front
46 row – back
47 row – (4 front, 2 loops from one loop) x 10 times = 60 loops
Starting from the purl row, we knit 11 rows of stockings.
59 row – (2 together face 2 times, 2 face) x 10 times = 40 loops
60 row – purl
61 row – (2 together face) x 20 times = 20 loops
62 row – purl
Close all loops.
The front legs are the outer part of knitting two parts.
Since the dog is Zaplatkin, we knit one part with a cream-colored thread, and the second part is brown.
We collect 10 loops of cream-colored thread.
1 row – facial
2 row – purl
3 row – 2 faces from one, 8 faces, 2 faces from one = 12 loops
4 row – backs
5 rows – 2 faces from one, 10 faces, 2 faces from one = 14 loops
6 row – purl.
Knit 12 rows of stocking knitting.
19 row – 2 together front, 10 face, 2 together front = 12 loops
20 row – purl
We knit 44 rows of hosiery. Close all the loops.
The front paws of the inner part knit two pieces of
Dog Zaplatkin, so we begin to knit one piece with cream yarn and end with brown, and the second piece start with knit with brown yarn and finish with cream yarn.
We collect 10 loops of yarn of the color we need.
1 row – facial
2 row – purl
3 row – 2 faces from one, 8 faces, 2 faces from one = 12 loops
4 row – backs
5 rows – 2 faces from one, 10 faces, 2 faces from one = 14 loops
6 row – purl.
Knit 12 rows of stocking knitting.
19 row – 2 together front, 10 face, 2 together front = 12 loops
20 row – purl
21 row – face
22 row – purl
We cut the thread and attach the yarn of a different color.
23 row – purl
24 row – purl
25 row knit facial and continue stocking viscous 33 rows.
59 row – 2 together front, 8 front, 2 together front = 10 loops
60 row – purl
61 row – 2 together front, 6 front, 2 together front = 8 loops
62 row – purl
63 row – 2 together front, 4 front, 2 together front = 6 loops.
Close all the loops.
Hind legs knit 2 parts.
Dog Zaplatkin, so we start knitting one piece with cream yarn and finish it with brown, and the second piece start with knit with brown yarn and end with cream yarn.
Recruit needles 32 loops.
1 row – facial
2 row – purl
3 row – (2 faces from one) x2 times, 12 faces, (2 faces from one) x4 times, 12 faces, (2 faces from one) x2 times = 40 loops
4 rows – backs
5 row – (2 faces from one, 1 faces) x2 times, 12 faces, (2 faces from one, 1 faces) x4 times, 12 faces, (2 faces from one) x2 times = 48 loops
6 row – backs
7 rows – (2 facial from one, 2 facial) x2 times, 12 facial, (2 facial from one, 2 facial) x4 times, 12 facial, (2 facial from one, 2 facial) = 56 loops.
8 row – purl
9 row – front
10 row – purl
We cut the thread and attach the yarn in a contrasting color.
11 row – purl
12 row – purl
C 13 row knit 12 rows of hosiery knitting. 13 row – facial loops.
25 row – 10 face, (2 together face) h18 times, 10 face = 38 loops
26 row – purl
27 row – 9 face, (2 together facial) x10 times, 9 face = 28 loops
28 row – purl
29 row – 9 facial, (2 together facial) x5 times, 9 facial = 23 loops
Starting with 30 rows we knit 13 rows of stockings. 30 row – purl.
Close all the loops.
Ears 4 details.
We collect 14 loops of brown yarn.
1 row – purl
2 row – 2 faces from one, 12 faces, 2 faces from one = 16 loops
3 row – backs
4 rows – 2 faces from one, 14 faces, 2 faces from one = 18 loops
5 row – backs
6 rows – 2 front faces from one, 16 front faces, 2 front faces from one = 20 loops.
Starting from 7 rows we knit 11 rows of stockings. 7 row – purl loops.
18 row – 2 together front, 16 front, 2 together front = 18 loops.
Starting from the 19th row, we knit 5 rows of stockings. 19 row – purl
24 row – 2 together front, 14 front ones, 2 together front = 16 loops
Starting from the 25th row, we knit 5 rows of stockings. 25 row – purl
30 row – 2 together front, 12 front, 2 together front = 14 loops.
Starting with 31 rows, we knit 7 rows of stockings. 31 row – purl
Close all hinges.
Blur on the eye.
We collect 8 loops.
1 row – purl
2 row – 2 faces from one, 6 faces, 2 faces from one = 10 loops
3 row – backs
4 rows – 2 faces from one, 8 faces, 2 faces from one = 12 loops
5 row – backs
6 rows – 2 together front, 8 front, 2 together front = 10 loops
7 row – purl
8 row – 2 together front, 6 front, 2 together front = 8 loops.
9 row – purl
Close all hinges.
Recruit 20 loops.
1 row – front
2 row – purl
Next, knit 14 rows of hosiery knitting.
17th row – (2 together with the front) x10 times
Breaking the thread, pulling through the loops remaining on the spoke and tightly tightening, fastening the thread.
Brown yarn (not fancy, simple acrylic in 8 strands), we collect 8 loops.
1 row – 2 front ones from one loop, 6 front ones, 2 front ones from one loop = 10 loops
2 row – 2 front ones from one loop, 8 front ones, 2 front ones from one loop = 12 loops
We knit 3 rows
with front 6 rows – 2 together front ones , 8 facial, 2 together facial = 10 loops.
7 row – 2 together front, 6 front, 2 together front = 8 loops.
Close all loops.
When assembling it should be remembered that the rows connected with the wrong loops will be the front side of the toy – they are more fluffy and give the toy a plush effect.
We fold the body in half and sew from the neck to the bottom. We fold the torso so that the back seam is in the middle and sew the lower part of the torso. Stuff torso loosely through a hole in the neck. Do not close the hole.
We fold the lower paws and sew upwards from the sole. We fill loosely and we sew the paws to the lower part of the body.
We sew the front paws, loosely sew and sew around the neck.
We fold the head in half with the inside of the rows, sew from nose to marker. Lay the head so that the seam was in the middle and sew to the typesetting edge. Turn the head on the front side. We fill tightly, especially the nose. Collect the razor edge on the thread and pull it tight. Sew the head to the body around the neck.
Sew on your ears.
Make a muzzle. To do this, mark the position for the eyes with pins at a distance of approximately 8 cm from each other. Sew a stain, then embroider your eyes with a black thread.
Embroider the mouth in the form of an inverted T, then sew the nose at the top point. You can put a little filler under your nose to make it more voluminous.
Translator’s Note
The description does not provide information on the assembly of the tail. I suspect that the author herself does not know exactly what to do with it. I eventually abandoned this part and my dog was tailless. I will be glad to your ideas on the tail.
And one moment. I did not have enough brown yarn and I made my ears from two colors – the outer part is cream, and the inner one is brown.
In my opinion, this dog did not lose its charm.
I hope this description will appeal to you. Enjoy your time with your favorite business!