Amigurumi Female Hippo Free Crochet Pattern
Necessary materials
1. Yarn Gazzal Baby Cotton, color No. 3430
2. Yarn Gazzal Baby Cotton, color No. 3422
3. Yarn Gazzal Baby Cotton, color No. 3414
dry rose
4. Yarn Gazzal Baby Cotton, color No. 3411
light pink
5. Yarn YarnArt JEANS, color No. 42, bright pink
6. Black yarn for decoration
(YarnArt JEANS color No. 53) and hot pink
(YarnArt JEANS color # 42)
7. Filler (synthetic winterizer, synthetic winterizer or
8. Hook number 2
9. Safe eyes with a diameter of 8 mm
10. Pink buttons – 2 pcs.
11. Needle for stitching
12. Artistic pink pastel

ch – chain
sc – single crochet
inc – increase
dec – decrease
dc – double crochet
d2c – double 2 crochet
d4c – double 4 crochet
sl-st – slip stitch
The size of the finished toy is approximately 30 cm.
Knit in continuous spiral
in rows don’t join at the end
row connecting posts and
do not turn work if
this is not indicated.
Use the marker at the beginning of the row
or a thread of a different color that
help mark the first loop
each new row.
We start with gray yarn
Dial 11 ch + 1 ch rise
1st row. We knit 2 sc into the second loop from the hook, 9 sc, 3 sc into one loop, knit 10 sc on the opposite side (24)
2 row. 2 inc, 9 sc, 3 inc, 9 sc, inc (30)
3 row. (1 sc, inc) * 2 times, 9 sc, (1 sc, inc) * 3 times, 10 sc, inc (36)
4 row. (2 sc, inc) * 2 times, 9 sc, (2 sc, inc) * 3 times, 11 sc, inc (42)
5 row. (3 sc, inc) * 2 times, 9 sc, (3 sc, inc) * 3 times, 12 sc, inc (48)
6 row. (4 sc, inc) * 2 times, 9 sc, (4 sc, inc) * 3 times, 13 sc, inc (54)
7 row. (5 sc, inc) * 2 times, 9 sc, (5 sc, inc) * 3 times, 14 sc, inc (60)
8 row. (6 sc, inc) * 2 times, 9 sc, (6 sc, inc) * 3 times, 15 sc, inc (66)
9 row. (7 sc, inc) * 2 times, 9 sc, (7 sc, inc) * 3 times, 16 sc, inc (72)
10 row. (8 sc, inc) * 2 times, 9 sc, (8 sc, inc) * 3 times, 17 sc, inc (78)
11 row. (9 sc, inc) * 2 times, 9 sc, (9 sc, inc) * 3 times, 18 sc, inc (84)
12-20 row. We knit without changes 84 sc (84)
21 row. (12 sc, dec) * 6 times (78)
22 row. We knit without changes 78 sc (78)
23 row. (11 sc, dec) * 6 times (72)
24 row. We knit without changes 72 sc (72)
25 row. (10 sc, dec) * 6 times (66)
26 row. We knit without change 66 sc (66)
27 row. (9 sc, dec) * 6 times (60)
28 row. We knit without changes 60 sc (60)
29 row. (8 sc, dec) * 6 times (54)
30-32 row. We knit without changes 54 sc (54)
33 row. (7 sc, dec) * 6 times (48)
34 row. We knit without changes 48 sc (48)
35 row. (6 sc, dec) * 6 times (42)
36-37 row. We knit without changes 42 sc (42)
Insert safe eyes exactly in the middle of the muzzle between 28 and 29
in rows with an interval of 2 columns. Start stuffing your head
filler. Eyes fasten.
Description author Maria Ustyushkina
38 row. (5 sc, dec) * 6 times (36)
39 row. We knit without changes 36 sc (36)
40 row. (4 sc, dec) * 6 times (30)
41 row. (3 sc, dec) * 6 times (24)
Keep stuffing your head with filler.
42 row. (2 sc, dec) * 6 times (18)
43 row. (1 sc, dec) * 6 times (12)
44 row. dec * 6 times (6)
Fill your head with filler to the end. Pull off the hole.
Description author Maria Ustyushkina
The design of the muzzle.
We make the muzzle of the muzzle a gray thread (you can gray yarn
the color you use).
Pins of different colors indicate points for tightening.
Location and distance between points:
The pink dot is between the 7th and 8th rows.
The white dot is between 8 and 9 rows.
The yellow dot is between the 26th and 27th rows.
The green dot is between rows 26 and 27.
The distance between the pink and pink dots is 11 bars.
The distance between the white – white dot is 11 columns.
The distance between the yellow-green dot is 3 columns.
The distance between the green – green dot in 1 column
Insert the needle into the first pink dot, leaving a small tip.
Draw the needle at the yellow dot.
Next, insert the needle into the green dot and output the needle in the last
white point.
We take both ends and tighten, then we knit in a knot. A thread
cut off.
Similarly, repeat with the second half of the muzzle. Utyazhka
Embroider cilia with black thread on the muzzle. Is used
YarnArt JEANS yarn, but only the thread is divided (can be used
any thread of black color).
Embroider a mouth and nostrils on the face with a pink thread. Is used
YarnArt JEANS yarn (any pink yarn can be used).
EARS (2 parts)
We start with gray yarn
1 row. 6 sc into magic ring (6)
2 row. (1 sc, inc) * 3 times (9)
3 row. (2 sc, inc) * 3 times (12)
4-7 row. We knit without changes 12 sc (12)
8 row. (2 sc, dec) * 3 times (9)
Tie the second eye.
Do not stuff your ears. Leave a long thread for sewing.
Fold the ear in half and sew at the base, as shown in the photo.
Sew ears to the head at level 41 rows.
LEGS (2 parts)
Start with dry rose yarn
1 row. 6 sc into magic ring (6)
2 row. İnc * 6 times (12)
3 row. (1 sc, inc) * 6 times (18)
4 row. (2 sc, inc) * 6 times (24)
5 row. (3 sc, inc) * 6 times (30)
6-9 row. We knit without changes 30 sc (30)
10 row. 8sbn, 8 dec, 6 sc (22)
11 row. We knit without changes 22 sc (22)
12 row. 8 sc, 4 dec, 6 sc (18)
Change the yarn to gray
13-17 row. We knit without changes 18 sc (18)
18 row. (2 sc, inc) * 6 times (24)
Cut and fasten the thread. Stuff the leg with filler.
Tie the second leg in the same way, BUT DO NOT CUT THREAD, as
we will connect the legs and knit the body.
19 row. 10 sc, type 6 ch, attach the second leg with
sl-st, we knit 24 sc along the second leg (24 sc we knit in the loop, where
did sl-st), 6 sc we knit along ch, 14 sc along the first leg (60)
20 row. 10 sc, 6 sc knit on ch, 44 sc (60)
21-22 row. We knit without changes 60 sc (60)
23 row. (9 sc, inc) * 6 times (66)
24 row. (10 sc, inc) * 6 times (72)
25 row. (11 sc, inc) * 6 times (78)
26 row. (12 sc, inc) * 6 times (84)
27-35 row. We knit without changes 84 sc (84)
Change the yarn to pink.
We knit 84 sl-st, as shown in the photo (this row we will not
36 row. Knit 84 sc in loops 35 rows (84)
37-42 row. We knit without changes 84 sc (84)
Start stuffing your body with filler.
43 row. (12 sc, dec) * 6 times (78)
44-45 row. We knit without changes 78 sc (78)
46 row. (11 sc, dec) * 6 times (72)
47-48 row. We knit without changes 72 sc (72)
49 row. (10 sc, dec) * 6 times (66)
50-51 row. We knit without changes 66 sc (66)
52 row. (9 sc, dec) * 6 times (60)
53-54 row. We knit without changes 60 sc (60)
Fill the body with filler.
55 row. (8 sc, dec) * 6 times (54)
56 row. We knit without changes 54 sc (54)
57 row. (7 sc, dec) * 6 times (48)
58 row. We knit without changes 48 sc (48)
59 row. (6 sc, dec) * 6 times (42)
60 row. We knit without changes 42 sc (42)
61 row. (5 sc, dec) * 6 times (36)
62 row. We knit without changes 36 sc (36)
63 row. (4 sc, dec) * 6 times (30)
64 row. (3 sc, dec) * 6 times (24)
Fill your torso full to the end. Leave a long ponytail for
sewing on.
Sew the torso to the head. In the process of sewing, fill
torso-neck filler so that this area is more
dense. Due to this, the head will hold tight, and not
hang out.
HANDLES (2 parts)
Start with Gray Yarn
1 row. 6 sc into magic ring (6)
2 row. İnc * 6 times (12)
3 row. (1 sc, inc) * 6 times (18)
4 row. For the back wall of the loop we knit 18 sc (18)
5-10 row. We knit without changes 18 sc (18)
Change the yarn to pink.
We knit, as we knitted 18 sl-st in the body (we will not
11 row. Knit 18 sc in loops 10 rows (18)
12-28 row. We knit without changes 18 sc (18)
Fill the handle with a filler, do not fill in the upper area
tightly. Fold the handle in half and knit 7 sc. Leave a long
thread for sewing.
Tie the second handle the same way.
Sew the handles to the body at level 62 rows.
We begin to knit a skirt from a sarafan.
Start with a pale pink yarn
Dial 80 vp, short circuit, sl-st (80)
1 row. 2 ch lifting, knit 79 dc in a circle, sl-st (80)
2 row. 2 ch lift, dc to the same base loop, then to each
loop do inc dc, sl-st (160)
3 row. 2 ch lift, inc dc, (1 dc, inc dc) * 79 times, sl-st (240)
4-5 row. 2 ch lift, 239 dc, sl-st (240)
6 row. We knit without lifting loops, skip one loop, in the second
we knit a loop 5 dc, skip a loop, knit sl-st, skip
loop, next. we knit a loop 5 dc, skip a loop, knit
sl-st and so on until the end of the row
Now on top of the skirt, where we have the base and beginning of the very first
row we attach yarn of the same color. This will be the beginning of the series.
And we begin to knit the top of the sarafan.
1-2 row. 2 ch lift, 79 dc, sl-st (80)
3 row. 1 ch lift, 79 sc, sl-st (80)
BAGS (2 parts)
Start with a pale pink yarn
Dial 59 ch + 1 ch rise
Start knitting with a second loop from the hook and knit 59
sc. Leave the long tip of the thread for sewing. Second strap
tie in exactly the same way.
Now sew the straps to the sarafan. Where the seam is visible, it will be
the back side of the sarafan. So that it is even and semmetric
sew on the straps when the sarafan is put on a hippo or
outline the sewing areas of the straps.
Sew pinkish buttons to the sarafan on the front side.
Start with Bright Pink Yarn
Amigurumi ring (5 ch, 5 d4c, 5 ch, sl-st) * 2 times
Wrap the middle of the bow with yarn, leave the thread for sewing,
fix the thread on the wrong side of the bow and sew to the head
BOWS ON SHOES (2 pieces)
Start with Bright Pink Yarn
Amigurumi ring (3 ch, 5 d2c, 3 ch, sl-st) * 2 times
Wrap the middle of the bow with yarn, leave the thread for sewing,
fasten the thread on the wrong side of the bow. The second bow tie
Sew bows to the shoes.
Make pink blush on your cheeks with pink art pastels
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