Craft Your Own Minion: Amigurumi Minion Free Crochet Pattern
Welcome to the whimsical world of amigurumi, where creativity knows no bounds! Dive into the delightful realm of these lovable crochet creatures with our free Amigurumi Minion crochet pattern.
Meet the Minion, a mischievous and endearing character known for their humorous antics. Now, you have the chance to bring your very own Minion to life through the art of crochet. This pattern is suitable for both beginners and experienced crocheters, making it a fantastic project for all skill levels.
Crafting your Amigurumi Minion is not just about creating a cute toy; it’s about channeling your creativity and having fun along the way. This pattern provides easy-to-follow instructions that will help you crochet every detail, from their iconic blue overalls to their playful goggles.
The Minion has a universal appeal that transcends age, making it an excellent gift for Minion enthusiasts of all ages. Whether you’re making it for a child’s playtime adventures or as a charming decoration for your own space, your Minion will undoubtedly bring smiles and laughter.
So, grab your crochet hooks and your preferred yarn colors, and embark on this exciting crafting journey. Crocheting your own Minion is a fantastic way to express your creativity and bring a touch of whimsy into your life.
Start crocheting your Amigurumi Minion today with our free crochet pattern, and let your imagination run wild. Create a Minion buddy that will brighten your days with laughter and joy—one stitch at a time!
I want to share with you a description of the knitting of my Mignon.
Size: 23 cm, but may be different depending on the chosen yarn and knitting density.

We will need:
Pekhorka “Baby Cotton” yarn yellow;
Kamtex yarn “Mercerized Cotton” white;
Kamtex yarn “Mercerized Cotton” gray;
Kamtex yarn “Mercerized Cotton” black;
Kamtex yarn “Mercerized Cotton” blue;
hook number 1.5.
Important: depending on the thickness of the yarn and the density of knitting, the size of the toy may differ from the original!

We knit a chain of 3 air loops with yellow yarn and close it in a ring with a connecting column. Next, we knit in circular rows:
1) Magic ring = 6sc
2) 6inc = 12sc
3) 1sc, 1inc = 18sc
4) 2sc, 1inc = 24sc
5) 3sc, 1inc = 30sc
6) 4sc, 1inc = 36sc
7) 5sc, 1inc = 42sc
8) 6sc, 1inc = 48sc
9) 7sc, 1inc = 54sc
10) 8sc, 1inc = 60sc
11) 9sc, 1inc = 66sc
12) 10sc, 1inc = 72sc
Making hair:
Cut off 10 cm of black yarn and make a big knot at one end. We extend the second end to the front of our (so far) circle. We stretch the desired number of hairs and knit further. It is not necessary to fix them in any way, the nodules pressed by a synthetic winterizer will hold their hair themselves.
13th – 57th 72sc
58th row: we begin to reduce (10SC, dec) (66 columns).
59th row: (9SC, dec) (60 columns).
60th row: (8SC, dec) (54 columns).
61st row: (7SC, dec) (48 columns).
62nd row: (6SC, dec) (42 columns).
63rd row: (5SC, dec) (36 columns).
Evenly fill the body with a synthetic winterizer.
64th row: (4SC, dec) (30 columns).
65th row: (3SC, dec) (24 columns).
66th row: (2SC, dec) (18 columns).
67th row: (1SC, dec) (12 columns).
68th row: (every 2 columns we knit together) (6 columns).
69th row: (every 2 columns we knit together) (3 columns).
70th row: we knit all 3 columns together, 1 air loop, cut the thread and hide it inside the toy.
Eyes with glasses (2 pcs.):
We knit a chain of 3 air loops with white yarn and close it into a ring with a connecting column. Next, we knit in circular rows:
1st row: twisting the hook into the center of the formed circle, we knit 6 SC (SC). We close the connecting column, which we knit in the first loop of the row.
2nd row: we knit 2 SC in each column of the last row (12 columns).
3rd row: we knit 2SC in one loop through 1 loop (1SC, 2SC in one loop, 1SC, inc) (18 columns).
4th row: we knit 2SC in one loop through 2 loops (1SC, 1SC, 2SC in one loop, 1SC, 1SC, inc) (24 columns).
5th row: (1SC, 1SC, 1SC, inc) (30 columns).
6th row: (1SC, 1SC, 1SC, 1SC, inc) (36 columns).
Cut the thread, set aside.
We knit a chain of 3 air loops with black yarn and close it into a ring with a connecting column. Next, we knit in circular rows:
1st row: twisting the hook into the center of the formed circle, we knit 6 SC (SC). We close the connecting column, which we knit in the first loop of the row.
2nd row: we knit 2 SC in each column of the last row (12 columns).
3rd row: we knit 2SC in one loop through 1 loop (1SC, 2SC in one loop, 1SC, inc) (18 columns).
4th row: we knit 2SC in one loop through 2 loops (1SC, 1SC, 2SC in one loop, 1SC, 1SC, inc) (24 columns).
Sew the resulting pupil in the center of the white circle.
We knit a chain of 37 air loops with gray yarn, and closes it into a ring with a connecting column. Next, we knit SC without adding 4 rows. Cut the thread.
We connect one edge of the resulting gray ring with half-columns to the edge of the white circle.
We sew eyes to each other.
We knit a chain of 9 air loops with black yarn.
1st row: in the second loop from the hook, we knit 1SC and then knit 1 SC in each loop (7 columns).
2nd row: 2 loops for lifting, 7 SC in each loop of the previous row.
We knit the third row and the next in the same way.
Trying on the resulting tape from glasses to the minion, we knit to the desired size. Tie 1 cm to the ends of the tape. We tie the entire resulting tape with semi-columns so that the edges are even and neat. We select the front side and sew the wrong side to the Mignon. Sew on the ends of the tape from above.
Black yarn “draw” the mouth.
Leg (2 pcs.):
We begin to knit a leg with an oval. The oval consists of two semicircles and a rectangle between them.
Each semicircle should have its own center – the air loop of the chain, each semicircle consists of 3 wedges.
We knit a chain of 15 air loops with black yarn.
1st row: in the second loop from the hook we knit 2SC (part of the first semicircle). In each subsequent loop of the chain, except the last, we knit 1SC (straight section). In the last loop we knit 3SC (second semicircle). We knit on the other side of the chain with 1SC in each loop, except for the last (second straight section). We knit 1SC in the last loop (part of the first semicircle). We connect.
The connection of the rows can be performed at the border of a straight section with a semicircle.
2nd row: in each column in semicircles we knit 2SC, in each column in straight sections we knit 1SC.
3rd – 8th rows: in each last column of each wedge we knit 2SC, in the remaining columns we knit 1 SC.
In each wedge of a semicircle, the number of columns is equal to the number of the row.
9th – 14th rows: in each column we knit 1SC, without additions.
Divide the leg in half into 2 parts: 1 part – the toe, the second – the heel. In order not to lose the middle, you can stretch a white thread across your legs.
15th – 16th rows: we knit the side with the heel in single crochet columns. We knit the side with the toe with double crochet (DC), knitting 2 loops together every 3 DC (1DC, 1DC, 1DC, 2 loops together, etc.).
17th row: we knit the side with the heel SC without decreases. We knit the side with the toe DC, knitting 2 loops together through 1 DC (1DC, 2 loops together, 1DC, dec).
18th – 20th rows: we knit the side with the heel SC without reduction. We knit the side with the toe DC, knitting 2 loops together every 3DC (1DC, 1DC, 1DC, dec).
21st – 23rd rows: we knit SC in each column of the previous row.
In the middle of the heel, change the black yarn to yellow and knit 7 rows of SC. Cut the thread, fix it so that it does not blossom. Fill with padding polyester. Sew legs to the body.
Hand (2 pcs.):
We knit a chain of 3 air loops with black yarn and close it into a ring with a connecting column. Next, we knit in circular rows:
1st row: twisting the hook into the center of the formed circle, we knit 6 SC (SC). We close the connecting column, which we knit in the first loop of the row.
2nd row: we knit 2 SC in each column of the last row (12 columns) ..
3rd row: we knit 2SC in one loop through 1 loop (1SC, 2SC in one loop, 1SC, inc) (18 columns).
4th row: we knit 2SC in one loop through 2 loops (1SC, 1SC, 2SC in one loop, 1SC, 1SC, inc) (24 columns).
5th row: (1SC, 1SC, 1SC, inc) (30 columns).
6th – 19th rows: we knit 1SC in each column of the previous row.
Change the black yarn to yellow.
20th – 28th rows: we knit 1SC in each column of the previous row.
Fill the hand with a padding polyester.
We begin to reduce:
29th row: (3SC, dec) (24 columns).
30th row: (2SC, dec) (18 columns).
31st row: (1SC, dec) (12 columns).
32nd row: (every 2 columns we knit together) (6 columns).
33rd row: (every 2 columns we knit together) (3 columns).
34th row: we knit all 3 columns together, 1 air loop, cut the thread and hide it inside the hand.
Finger (2 pcs.):
We knit a chain of 3 air loops with black yarn and close it into a ring with a connecting column. Next, we knit in circular rows:
1st row: twisting the hook into the center of the formed circle, we knit 6 SC (SC). We close the connecting column, which we knit in the first loop of the row.
2nd row: we knit 2 SC in each column of the last row (12 columns).
3rd row: we knit 2SC in one loop through 1 loop (1SC, 2SC in one loop, 1SC, inc) (18 columns).
4th – 5th rows: we knit 1SC in each column of the previous row, without additions.
Cut the thread, fix it and hide it inside.
Fill your finger with a padding polyester. Sew to the hands next to the place where there was a transition from black yarn to yellow. Sew hands with the side of the finger to the body.
Knit overalls from the middle to the bottom.
With blue yarn we collect a chain of the required number of air loops (the density of knitting is different for everyone, so we measure the width of the overalls according to the Mignon), we close it into a ring with a connecting column.
1st-12th rows: we knit 1SC in each loop of the chain and the previous row.
We divide the resulting pipe into 2 parts and knit 5 rows of SC on each part. It turned out trousers with trousers. Cut and fasten the thread.
Next we will knit from the belt (former air chain).
We dress the pants on the Minion, measure and count how many loops to knit in the front and back (the width of the upper part of the overalls).
1st row: we knit 1DC in each loop of trousers. We knit the number of columns necessary for the width, unfold, pick up 2 air loops and knit the next row.
2nd and next rows: we knit similarly to the first double crochet.
We knit the desired height of the front, and then the back, periodically measuring trousers for the Minion.
When the height is at the level of the upper part of the sewn arm, we knit the DC row in front, then, without tearing, we knit a chain of air loops and connect it to the back, we knit the back, we knit a chain of air loops, we connect it to the front row. We knit 2 more rows with double crochets. Cut, fasten and hide the thread.
We tie the upper part of the overalls with half-columns along the edges at the place of threading the hands.
Side pocket (2 pcs.):
We knit a chain of 13 air loops with blue yarn.
1st row: in the second loop from the hook, we knit 1SC and then knit 1 SC into each loop (11 columns).
2nd row: 2 loops for lifting, 11 SC in each loop of the previous row.
3rd – 10th rows: we knit in the same way.
We tie a pocket around the edges with half columns. With black yarn we “draw” a seam around the edges of the pocket.
Sew on the sides of the legs.
Upper Pocket:
We knit a chain of 10 air loops with blue yarn.
1st row: in the second loop from the hook, we knit 1SC and then knit 1 SC into each loop (8 columns).
2nd row: 2 loops for lifting, 8 SC in each loop of the previous row.
3rd – 10th rows: we knit in the same way.
We tie a pocket around the edges with half columns. With black yarn we “draw” a seam around the edges of the pocket.
We knit a chain of 3 air loops with black yarn and close it into a ring with a connecting column. Next, we knit in circular rows:
1st row: twisting the hook into the center of the formed circle, we knit 6 SC (SC). We close the connecting column, which we knit in the first loop of the row.
2nd row: we knit 2 SC in each column of the last row (12 columns).
3rd row: we knit 2SC in one loop through 1 loop (1SC, 2SC in one loop, 1SC, inc) (18 columns).
On the resulting circle, embroider the letter “G”.
Sew a circle to your pocket.
Sew a pocket to the top of the jumpsuit in front.
Dress up the jumpsuit. We admire the Mignon and praise ourselves!
All creative success and smooth loops! 🙂
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