Amigurumi Sweet Bear Free Pattern

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We will need: Hook 2.0, yarn YarnArt Jeans (cotton and Polyacryl).
Colors: beige, milky; Green peas, pink-for scarves.
Note: Knit in a circle, marking the beginning of a row with a thread of another color or a pin.
The number of loops in a row is given in parentheses.
Series without changes-no additions and decreases do not need to do.
Start with the lower feet:
1 row: 2 VP, in the second loop from the hook Dial 6 art. b/N.
2 row: Raise in Each loop (12).
3-8 Series: 6 Rows without changes. Presious thread.
Knit the second foot, not a breakage of a thread.
9 row: Enter a hook in the first foot, Obvjazyvaem it, having reached the place of connection of feet, make 1-2 S. St., that there were no lumens (in the next row of S. V. Skip). Obvjazyvaem the second foot.
Connect the two paws and start to knit the torso.
10: Knit Another row without changes (24).
11 row: Make 4 increments (28).
11 row: Make 4 increments (28).
12 row: no change.
13 row: Make 4 increments (32).
14-24 series: Bind without changes.
25 row: Make 4 decreases (28).
26 Row: no change.
27 Row: 1 art. b/N, decrease. Repeat to the end of the series.
28 Row: No change (19).
Knit a head not a separate detail, and continuing knitting:
29 row: Raise in Each loop (38).
30-31 series: two rows unchanged.
32 Series: Make 4 increments (42).
33-36 Series: Tie 4 rows without changes.
37 Series: 3 art. b/N, decrease. Repeat.
38 Series: No change.
39 Series: 2 art. b/N, decrease. Repeat.
40 Row: 1 art. b/N, decrease. Repeat.
41 Series: Decreases. Close the loops.
Ears (2 parts):
2 v. P., in the second knitting 6 art. b/N, the next row-a raise in each loop. Link two more rows without changes. Leave a thread for sewing.
Paws (2 parts):
1 row: 2 v. P., in the second knitting 6 art. b/N.
2 row: Make 2 increments in a row (8).
3-9 series: Seven rows without changes.
10 row: Make two decreases in a row (6).
11-15 series: Unchanged. Leave the sewing thread.
Spout Circle:
1 row: 2 v. P., 6 art. b/N.
2 row: Raise in each loop.
3 row: 1 art. b/N, raise (repeat).
Tummy Circle:
1 row: 2 v. P., in the second knitting 6 art. b/N.
2 row: Raise in Each loop (12).
3 row: 1 art. b/N, raise. Repeat (18).
4 row: 2 art. b/N, raise. Repeat (24).
5 row: 3 art. b/N, raise. Repeat (30).
A scarf-6 loops, to knit a face surface.