Crocodile Stitch Boot Toppers

Crocodile Stitch Boot Toppers

Need to keep the cold out of your wellies? Or perhaps you just want to add a touch of colour and texture to your outfit. Either way, boot toppers are for you. They also make a fabulous gift and are a great way to try out crocodile stitch.
No, please, stay with me!
Whenever I mention crocodile stitch, even some seasoned hooksters blanch. But it really is a wonderful stitch worth the effort. Quite honestly, as soon as you get the hang of turning your work correctly, it’s a breeze!

Dk yarn
3.5mm hook
yarn needle
a note about tension:
After your first 72 stitches, hold your row of chs around you calf to check you have enough. You can adjust how many you need to fit yourself at this early stage. Make sure you have a multiple of 6 plus 4 to make the pattern work, depending on how many you add or take away depends on whether you will finish your first ‘foundation’ row with a ‘V’ of trebles or a single.
ch chain
tr treble
bptr back post treble
fptr front post treble
ch76 (the last 3 of these are your turning chs)
row1 3ch, tr to end.
row2 3ch (fptr, bptr) repeat to end, finishing on a fptr.
row3 3ch (bptr, fptr) repeat to end finishing on a bptr.
Rows 2 and 3 form single rib. Repeat these two rows until you have 6 rows in total.
Moving to crocodile stitch section,

foundation row 1,
3ch, 1tr (1ch, miss 2, 1tr, 1ch, miss 2, 2tr into next st) 12 times.
Scales row 1,
3ch,with right side facing, turn work 90 degrees clockwise. 4tr worked around left side of ‘V’, ch1, turn work 180 degrees, 5tr up right side of ‘V’. with work right way up again, turn piece so wrong side is facing and work a slst into next single tr along to left. This anchors the scale to the foundation row.
Turn work back so right side is facing you. Continue to creat scales as before, 5tr worked down the left side of the ‘V’, 1ch, 5tr up right side of ‘V’, then slst into next tr along with wrong side facing.
On last scale, only work 4tr up right side of ‘V’, 3ch and slst with right side facing between last tr and chs from foundation row1.
Foundation row 2,
3ch, (1ch, 2tr into top of next single treble from previous foundation row. 1ch, tr between ‘V’ treble in previous round) 12 times.
scales row 2
without any turning chs to start, work 12 scales as in previous scales row.
Repeat foundation row 1, scales row 1, foundation row 2 and scales row 2 once more.
Finish with a row of 72 dcs worked evenly across top of work.
Block before sewing up seams (that’s why this is worked flat rather than in the round)
Weave in ends to finish.